tiistai 17. huhtikuuta 2012

Sales and new meta !

Champions Vayne, Garen and Sona are currently on sale! Also nice skins on sale: Longhorn alistar for 260 rp, Jurassic Cho'gath for 487 rp and Emumu for 487 rp.

The sales last from april 17th to 20th

 Upcoming buff to Kayle's heal will make her fit the support role better in the current meta, eventhough I find Kayle still underperforming as a support. I recently studied about Kayle's jungle capabilities and decided to give it a shot. Kayle can clear the camps really fast due to his amazing splash damage by E.    Her speed is something like lee sin's or jax's. Her ganks arent that bad either, her q gives a neat slow and also applies on-hit effects, which makes on-hit kayle a solid build.

torstai 12. huhtikuuta 2012

Pax 2012!

So pax 2012 is over now! Here's a quick video recap of some highlights over there!

I love the cosplay and this orianna cosplay looks so cool

perjantai 6. huhtikuuta 2012

Hecarim mechanics

So riot released more info on Hecarim. http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/news/hecarim-shadow-war-revealed

Hecarim seems to be a solotop/jungle tanky dps champion. I suppose he would be good in jungle, since he has 2 different charge abilities which makes him a potential ganker. His W is really made for jungling Spirit of Dread - Hecarim deals magic damage to nearby enemies for a short duration. Hecarim gains health equal to a percentage of any damage those enemies suffer. His q isnt bad for clearing camps either. Rampage – Hecarim cleaves nearby enemies dealing physical damage.

Too early to make real decision tho. Ill look more into it when Riot releases a champion spotlight video. Hmm wonder what role does Phreak play Hecarim with? :P


torstai 5. huhtikuuta 2012

keskiviikko 4. huhtikuuta 2012

Hah, made some good laughs
hmm.. wonder if Elementz updates his tier list anymore.
I remember when Shyvana wasnt considered as a good jungler..

 Hey guys, im a real fan of the video game League of Legends, and ill start blogging about it. Since its a great intrest of mine, ill post intresting stuff about the game including some new info and some my own experiences!
 Today Ill start with some new info from riot games! New champion sneak peek: Hecarim, the Shadow of war. http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/news/champion-sneak-peek-hecarim-shadow-war So a real war veteran eh.